2024 Issue #9

“Pig House” by Kay Vaindal
“For The Pollinators” by A.D. Sui
“Drinking Dead Brazilians” by Lia Mulcahy
“The Rubberist” by Molly Miles
“The Passion of Pope Formosus” by LC von Hessen
Everything We Assume is Wrong: an interview with R.L. Summerling, author of Fleshpots
The Nature of Alex Garland’s Ex Machina and its Immoral Philosophy of AI by Ben Lockwood
Everywhere the Sea is Rising: a review of Dehiscent by Ashley Deng
Victim, Villain, Inspiration: The Pitfalls of Disability Archetypes in Genre Fiction by Julia LaFond
Rip and Tear: Fragmented Identity and Temporality in Chainsaw Man by Max Kelly
Uncanny Environments: a review of Mothtown by Caroline Hardaker
2024 Issue #10

“Manywhere, Manyone, Manything” by NM Whitley
“Unbirthday Means You Wish Yourself Unborn” by Avra Margariti
“Brick City, Stick City, Straw City” by Nika Murphy
“Her Eyes in the Dark” by Curtis Hayden Hill
“Where Is Your Light, Yvette Jones?” by Victor Forna
The Horror on the End of Every Fork by Neal Auch
Beyond Dualistic Cyberpunk: a review of You Glow in the Dark by Liliana Colanzi from Zachary Gillan
You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Review of Brandon Cronenberg’s Infinity Pool from Josh Pearce
In Horror Stories, They Fuck Like Me (A Kink in Five Lessons) by Anonymous
Reality Is How Horror Stories Are Born: an interview with Carson Winter, author of The Psychographist
A Collapse of Boundaries: a review of I Would Haunt You if I Could by Seán Padraic Birnie from Zachary Gillan